Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



35 35

Feb 18, 2022 02/22



House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Attorney General Merrick Garland addressed the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual winter meeting in Washington, DC. In between the two speakers, Mitch Landrieu, the former mayor of New Orleans and the Biden administration's infrastructure coordinator, moderated a panel discussion on how cities can take advantage of the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. Sponsor: U.S. Conference of Mayors
Topics: miami, washington, california, china, biden, north carolina, mitch landrieu, suarez, francis, epa,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9,583 9.6K

History of the State of the Union Address : CSPAN3 : January 10, 2016 11:45pm-12:01am EST

Jan 11, 2016 01/16



Senate historian Donald Ritchie discusses the history of the annual State of the Union address.
Topics: washington, cleveland, jefferson, adams
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

H.H. Leonards, "Rosa Parks Beyond the Bus" : CSPAN3 : February 17, 2023 11:17am-12:03pm EST

Feb 17, 2023 02/23



Author H.H. Leonards discussed civil rights activist Rosa Parks during the time she lived in Washington, D.C. The Rosa Parks Museum at Troy University in Alabama hosted this event. Sponsor: Troy University, Montgomery | Rosa L. Parks Library and Museum
Topics: boyd, mrs. parks, detroit, leonard, ladonna boyd, jane gunter, kennedy, washington, alabama,...
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Hearing on the Legacy of Drone Strikes : CSPAN3 : February 28, 2022 12:05pm-1:54pm EST

Feb 28, 2022 02/22



The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the legal impact, financial cost and human toll of U.S. drone strikes conducted over the past two decades. Topics included the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) following the September 11 terrorist attacks, Congressional oversight of the drone program during four presidential administrations and compensation for survivors and families of civilians killed in drone strikes. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: afghanistan, yemen, isis, al qaeda, biden, ms. shamsi, grassley, syria, leahy, china, iraq, dod,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Jan 18, 2022 01/22



Kansas City Public Library director John Herron talked about Harry Truman's early political career, the Kansas City Pendergast political machine, and a 1926 offer to the future president to serve as presiding county judge. This virtual event was hosted by the Truman Library Institute in Independence, Missouri. Sponsor: Truman (Harry S.) Library Institute
Topics: truman, kansas city, pendergast, harry truman, jackson, missouri, jim pendergast, fdr, james...
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Mar 18, 2022 03/22



A mother of a child kidnapped and murdered and a father whose daughter is still missing were among several people who testified on the importance of raising awareness for missing women and girls who are BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color). The House Oversight & Reform Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties convened the hearing. Topics included the lack of media coverage for BIPOC victims, data collection on cases and law enforcement resources for missing BIPOC cases....
Topics: ncmec, raskin, brown, mr. wilkinson, foster, kelly, maloney, ms. foster, baltimore, ms. wilson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Hearing on Supply Chain Resiliency : CSPAN3 : July 26, 2021 11:13pm-1:16am EDT

Jul 27, 2021 07/21



The Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing to examine supply chain resiliency. Industry and supply chain experts testified on supply chain security, the strength of the manufacturing base, private and public partnerships, and competition with China. Sponsor: Senate Commerce, Science,and Transportation Committee
Topics: china, taylor, ibm, usica, taiwan, miller, mississippi, lewis, gil, fisher, aboulafia, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

History of the 1944 GI Bill : CSPAN3 : October 3, 2021 1:00pm-2:01pm EDT

Oct 3, 2021 10/21



Historians Jeffery Seiken and Katie Delacenserie discussed the impact of the 1944 GI Bill, which allocated funds for education and housing to World War II veterans. This was a virtual event hosted by the National WWII Museum in New Orleans. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: katie, washington, american legion, omar bradley, jeff, roosevelt, truman, hofstra
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

Hearing on Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan : CSPAN3 : March 1, 2022 2:48pm-4:16pm EST

Mar 1, 2022 03/22



Former British Foreign Secretary, now leader of an international aid group, David Miliband, urged U.S. lawmakers to act urgently and change policy in order to address the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Mr. Miliband's plea came during testimony before a Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee examining U.S. aid to Afghanistan. Mr. Miliband said if the U.S. does not act, more Afghans will die from starvation than in the last 20 years of war in the country. Mr. Milliband is president and CEO of...
Topics: afghanistan, taliban, u.n., mr. smith, graeme, pakistan, murphy, kabul, taliban, china, iran, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

Jan 26, 2022 01/22



A Senate subcommittee held a hearing examining competition and privacy in the tech industry. Witnesses testified about the growing market concentration of companies like Amazon and the negative effects their size have on consumers. The committee also heard from data experts about the collection and sale of personal information and the need for congress to pass data privacy legislation. Sponsor: Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth
Topics: amazon, cassidy, china, warren, biden, google, ms. brown, brown, amazon, mr. sherman, mr. lynn,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Hearing on Emergency Communications Since 9/11 : CSPAN3 : February 1, 2022 12:13am-2:06am EST

Feb 1, 2022 02/22



The House Homeland Security Committee's Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery Subcommittee held a hearing focused on changes to emergency communications in the 20 years since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Topics included the ability of different agencies to communicate with each other, differences between urban and rural areas and engagement with the public. Sponsor: House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery
Topics: rodriguez, florida, michigan, meyer, texas, orlando, new york, seattle, ms. jackson, jackson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


45 45

History of the American Cowboy : CSPAN3 : December 21, 2017 11:26pm-12:34am EST

Dec 22, 2017 12/17



Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum curator Michael Grauer discussed the history and origin of the American cowboy. He talked about the common myths and misconceptions caused by the iconic cowboy image portrayed in Hollywood movies and Dime novels. The Kansas City Public Library hosted this event. Sponsor: Kansas City (MO) Public Library
Topics: texas, kansas city, amarillo, mexico, vietnam, britain, washington, oklahoma, spain, california,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

House Hearing on Electric Vehicles : CSPAN3 : September 23, 2021 3:42am-7:23am EDT

Sep 23, 2021 09/21



A House subcommittee convened a hearing to discuss electric vehicles and the potential benefits for the economy and the climate. Industry proponents and opponents outlined the pros and cons with building a nationwide electric vehicle infrastructure. This hearing comes as House Democrats consider legislation, the CLEAN Future Act, which aims to address climate change effects via reducing greenhouse gas pollution. Sponsor: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy
Topics: china, oklahoma, upton, europe, california, mr. britton, biden, francis, michigan, mr. palmer,...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

House Rules Committee Holds Meeting on American Rescue Plan : CSPAN3 : February 26, 2021 9:31am-11:43am EST

Feb 26, 2021 02/21



[LIVE] The House Rules Committee holds a virtual meeting to consider President Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, known as the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: biden, washington, mcgovern, texas, powell, pelosi, nih, cbo, oklahoma, keystone, california, ron...
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

Heritage Discussion on U.S.-Japan Relations : CSPAN3 : September 15, 2018 4:14am-5:52am EDT

Sep 15, 2018 09/18



The Heritage Foundation hosted a forum on how U.S. negotiations with North Korea are affecting policy towards Japan. Asia scholars discussed in detail the state of U.S.-Japan alliance as well as relations with China and South Korea. Trade relations and the possibility of a future meeting between Prime Minister Abe and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un were also discussed. Following their remarks, they answered questions from the audience. Sponsor: Heritage Foundation
Topics: china, north korea, washington, pacific, tokyo, korea, malta, south korea, japan, asia, nato,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Jan 18, 2022 01/22



Kansas City Public Library director John Herron talked about Harry Truman's early political career, the Kansas City Pendergast political machine, and a 1926 offer to the future president to serve as presiding county judge. This virtual event was hosted by the Truman Library Institute in Independence, Missouri. Sponsor: Truman (Harry S.) Library Institute
Topics: truman, kansas city, pendergast, harry truman, jackson, missouri, jim pendergast, fdr, james...
Source: Comcast Cable


189 189

Henry Kissinger and Eric Schmidt, "The Age of AI" : CSPAN3 : February 12, 2022 9:00pm-10:02pm EST

Feb 13, 2022 02/22



Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt talked about artificial intelligence and the way it is transforming our society. This virtual event was hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations. Sponsor: Council on Foreign Relations
Topics: kissinger, china, schmidt, russia, ukraine, smith, europe, google, beijing, germany, mark...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

H.W. Brands, "Our First Civil War" : CSPAN3 : January 8, 2022 6:52pm-7:58pm EST

Jan 8, 2022 01/22



Historian H.W. Brands explored the conflicts between colonists during the American Revolution. This virtual program was part of the 2021 Miami Book Fair. Sponsor: Miami Book Fair
Topics: washington, britain, benjamin franklin, france, canada, franklin, william franklin, continental,...
Source: Comcast Cable

Author H.H. Leonards discussed civil rights activist Rosa Parks during the time she lived in Washington, D.C. The Rosa Parks Museum at Troy University in Alabama hosted this event. Sponsor: Troy University, Montgomery | Rosa L. Parks Library and Museum
Topics: boyd, mrs. parks, detroit, leonard, ladonna boyd, jane gunter, kennedy, washington, alabama,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Homeland Security Undersecretary Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN3 : February 1, 2022 5:53pm-7:34pm EST

Feb 1, 2022 02/22



The Senate Intelligence Committee considered the nomination of Kenneth Wainstein to serve as undersecretary for intelligence and analysis in the Homeland Security Department. Members questioned him about information sharing in the intelligence community, domestic terror threats, department morale issues, collection of information on U.S. citizens, and security of the southern border. Mr. Wainstein previously served as homeland security adviser in the George W. Bush administration. Sponsor:...
Topics: fbi, china, portland, mr. wainstein, dhs, rubio, usa, webex, ccp, wainstein, cia, king, bush,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

Helsinki Commission on Russia-Ukraine Tensions : CSPAN3 : February 2, 2022 2:43pm-4:54pm EST

Feb 2, 2022 02/22



[LIVE] Former National Security Council member Fiona Hill, along with others, discuss Russia-Ukraine tensions with lawmakers and government officials on the Helsinki Commission. Sponsor: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Topics: ukraine, russia, putin, nato, europe, kremlin, hodges, zelensky, germany, moscow, taylor, biden,...
Source: Comcast Cable


78 78

House Foreign Affairs Committee on Political Situation in Venezuela - Part 1 : CSPAN3 : February 14, 2019 11:32am-1:58pm EST

Feb 14, 2019 02/19



The House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on the political situation in Venezuela and the status of U.S. humanitarian aid efforts in the country. Witnesses included U.S. Special Envoy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams and other State Department officials. Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) pressed Ambassador Abrams over his involvement in the Iran-Contra affair and his two guilty pleas for withholding information from Congress, saying "I fail to understand why members of this committee or...
Topics: venezuela, maduro, russia, mr. abrams, cuba, china, guaido, venezuela, nicolas maduro, colombia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


66 66

History of the Black Hills : CSPAN3 : December 8, 2019 1:58pm-4:02pm EST

Dec 8, 2019 12/19



Considered sacred by many Native Americans, South Dakota's Black Hills have long been the source of contention over land claims between tribes and the U.S. government, as well as the controversial issue of carving into the mountains at Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. We traveled there to hear about the history of and the current situation in the Black Hills with Native Americans, historians, and representatives at both Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial .
Topics: michigan, milwaukee, detroit, montana, virginia, canada, berger, victor berger, wyoming, south...
Source: Comcast Cable


99 99

Hoover Institution Library and Archives : CSPAN3 : May 4, 2019 11:42pm-12:01am EDT

May 5, 2019 05/19



Started in 1919, the Hoover Institution Library and Archives has been collecting materials pertaining to war, revolution, and peace for over 100 years. Deputy Director Eric Wakin and Curator Jean Cannon showed us several items from the collection. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Local Content Vehicle
Topics: hoover, herbert hoover, europe, china, hitler, hoover, paris, stalin, stillwell, ireland, shanghai,...
Source: Comcast Cable


6 6.0

Hearing on Expanding U.S. Energy Production : CSPAN3 : January 31, 2023 10:04am-2:05pm EST

Jan 31, 2023 01/23



[LIVE] House Energy and Commerce Committee holds a hearing on expanding U.S. energy production. Sponsor: House Energy and Commerce Committee
Topics: china, biden, russia, washington, texas, opec, california, white house, jackson, new york, pallone,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Hearing on Resiliency of Broadband Networks : CSPAN3 : June 28, 2021 11:29am-1:47pm EDT

Jun 28, 2021 06/21



Broadband and telecommunications representatives testified before a Senate subcommittee on broadband access and building resilient networks. Several questions focused on access in rural areas, public-private partnerships, the role of the FCC, and wireless communication issues after an extreme weather event, like wildfires. Sponsor: Senate Commerce, Science,and Transportation Subcommittee on Communication, Media, and Broadband
Topics: fcc, johnson, virginia, south dakota, nevada, mexico, oregon, california, goldman, sandy, at&t,...
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

History Bookshelf Jeffrey Engel, "When the World Seemed New" : CSPAN3 : March 2, 2021 11:00pm-12:27am EST

Mar 3, 2021 03/21



Jeffrey Engel talked about his book "When the World Seemed New," in which he examines George H.W. Bush's foreign policy initiatives at the start of the post-Cold War world. Sponsor: Southern Methodist University | Center for Presidential History
Topics: europe, bush, reagan, george bush, berlin, george h. w. bush, china, gorbachev, germany, ronald...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

History Bookshelf Lynne Cheney and Karl Rove on the Bush Administration : CSPAN3 : September 8, 2021 7:39pm-8:25pm EDT

Sep 8, 2021 09/21



Former Second Lady Lynne Cheney and former presidential adviser Karl Rove reflected on the George W. Bush administration. Sponsor: Rancho Mirage Writers Festival
Topics: white house, washington, dave, dick, cheney, pentagon, nebraska, bush, navy, lynn, dick cheney,...
Source: Comcast Cable


19 19

Feb 1, 2022 02/22



[LIVE] The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee holds a hearing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and substance use disorders. Sponsor: Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee
Topics: murkowski, burr, boston, ms. rhyneer, durham, lockman, bmc, smith, ms. goldsby, south carolina,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

History Bookshelf Peggy Grande, "The President Will See You Now" : CSPAN3 : February 6, 2021 4:00pm-5:26pm EST

Feb 6, 2021 02/21



Peggy Grande, who worked for former President Ronald Reagan after he left the White House and returned to California, talked about her book The President Will See You Now: My Stories and Lessons from Ronald Reagan's Final Years, in which she recalls her ten years with the former president and remembers the late president's personal and professional relationships. Sponsor: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum
Topics: ronald reagan, reagan, gorbachev, peggy, osha, white house, margaret thatcher, washington, google,...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

House Hearing on Lingering Effects of COVID-19 : CSPAN3 : May 10, 2021 8:00am-1:34pm EDT

May 10, 2021 05/21



The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on the lingering effects of COVID-19. On the first panel of witnesses were Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, and Dr. John Brooks, Chief Medical Officer of the CDC's COVID-19 Task Force. They testified on efforts to better understand the effects of so-called "long haul" COVID. The second panel of witnesses included patients suffering from long-term effects of COVID, and doctors who...
Topics: collins, brooks, cdc, nih, deeks, michigan, california, georgia, madame chair, guthrie, lauren, ms....
Source: Comcast Cable


65 65

History Bookshelf Stephen Kinzer, "The True Flag" : CSPAN3 : April 4, 2020 4:00pm-5:09pm EDT

Apr 4, 2020 04/20



Stephen Kinzer talked about his book "The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire," in which he recounts the public debate over American foreign policy at the turn of the 20th century. In his book, the author reports that President Theodore Roosevelt along with his supporters, such as William Randolph Hearst and Henry Cabot Lodge, proposed imperial expansion, with their sights set on the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Roosevelt's opposition,...
Topics: roosevelt, stephen, robin, cuba, washington, mark twain, mckinley, philippines, theodore roosevelt,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

History of the Black Hills : CSPAN3 : June 28, 2021 7:44am-8:02am EDT

Jun 28, 2021 06/21



Considered sacred by many Native Americans, South Dakota's Black Hills have long been the source of contention over land claims between tribes and the U.S. government, as well as the controversial issue of carving into the mountains at Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. We traveled there to hear about the history of and the current situation in the Black Hills with Native Americans, historians, and representatives at both Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial . Sponsor: C-SPAN |...
Topics: south dakota, cheyenne, laramie, montana, washington, jefferson
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

History Bookshelf Peggy Grande, "The President Will See You Now" : CSPAN3 : March 2, 2021 9:41pm-11:01pm EST

Mar 3, 2021 03/21



Peggy Grande, who worked for former President Ronald Reagan after he left the White House and returned to California, talked about her book The President Will See You Now: My Stories and Lessons from Ronald Reagan's Final Years, in which she recalls her ten years with the former president and remembers the late president's personal and professional relationships. Sponsor: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum
Topics: ronald reagan, reagan, white house, peggy, gorbachev, mrs. reagan, california, margaret thatcher,...
Source: Comcast Cable


88 88

History of the American Cowboy : CSPAN3 : December 22, 2017 2:52am-4:00am EST

Dec 22, 2017 12/17



Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum curator Michael Grauer discussed the history and origin of the American cowboy. He talked about the common myths and misconceptions caused by the iconic cowboy image portrayed in Hollywood movies and Dime novels. The Kansas City Public Library hosted this event. Sponsor: Kansas City (MO) Public Library
Topics: texas, kansas city, amarillo, oklahoma, indians, mexico, russell, washington, north america,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Historian Rick Atkinson on Citizen Soldiers : CSPAN3 : February 24, 2022 5:28am-6:40am EST

Feb 24, 2022 02/22



Award winning-historian Rick Atkinson provided a history of citizen soldiers. He spoke at the 14th annual International Conference on World War II hosted by the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: washington, eisenhower, britain, pennsylvania, continental, trenton, new york, mason, rick, canada,...
Source: Comcast Cable


68 68

House Oversight Hearing on 2020 Census : CSPAN3 : January 24, 2020 4:01pm-8:02pm EST

Jan 24, 2020 01/20



The House Oversight and Reform Committee held a hearing on the 2020 census. Representatives from minority and rural community organizations testified on concerns their constituencies had around the citizenship question, accessibility to the internet, language and cultural barriers, as well as counting the homeless, the ex-offender, and tribal communities. The hearing also addressed how census numbers impact education, health care and infrastructure programs in communities. Witnesses provided...
Topics: georgia, mr. vargas, california, maloney, florida, mr. moore, brown, louisiana, mr. yang, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


66 66

Historic Preservation in the U.S. : CSPAN3 : April 15, 2022 2:42pm-3:23pm EDT

Apr 15, 2022 04/22



Jordan Tannenbaum -- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation vice chair -- talked about the work of this government agency to preserve the country's historic places and resources, their role as adviser to the president and Congress on historic preservation policy, and the legacy of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 Sponsor: C-SPAN | American History TV
Topics: washington, advisory council, california, europe, jordan tannenbaum, utah, blm, florida
Source: Comcast Cable


73 73

Hearing on U.N. Peacemaking : CSPAN3 : December 24, 2015 2:50pm-5:29pm EST

Dec 24, 2015 12/15



U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power, former U.N. Ambassador John Negroponte, and the Brookings Institution's Bruce Jones testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on possible reforms to U.N. peacekeeping efforts
Topics: u.n., united nations, cardin, china, syria, iran, new york, unifil, russia, iran, nato, assad,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

History of the 1944 GI Bill : CSPAN3 : October 3, 2021 10:00am-11:01am EDT

Oct 3, 2021 10/21



Historians Jeffery Seiken and Katie Delacenserie discussed the impact of the 1944 GI Bill, which allocated funds for education and housing to World War II veterans. This was a virtual event hosted by the National WWII Museum in New Orleans. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: katie, washington, american legion, omar bradley, jeff, roosevelt, truman, hofstra
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

Historic Preservation in the U.S. : CSPAN3 : January 31, 2022 12:15am-12:56am EST

Jan 31, 2022 01/22



Jordan Tannenbaum -- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation vice chair -- talked about the work of this government agency to preserve the country's historic places and resources, their role as adviser to the president and Congress on historic preservation policy, and the legacy of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 Sponsor: C-SPAN | American History TV
Topics: jordan tannenbaum, advisory council, europe, missouri, california, washington, johnson, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


55 55

History Bookshelf David and Jeanne Heidler, "The Rise of Andrew Jackson" : CSPAN3 : March 14, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

Mar 14, 2020 03/20



Historians David and Jeanne Heidler looked at how Andrew Jackson was elected president in 1828. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: jackson, adams, jeanne, john quincy adams, crawford, house, andrew jackson, louisiana, henry,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Mar 3, 2021 03/21



The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a virtual hearing on disinformation and extremism in the media. Witnesses included journalist Soledad O'Brien, Columbia University professor Emily Bell, George Washington University professor Jonathan Turley and Marked By COVID Co-Founder Kristin Danielle Urquiza. Sponsor: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology
Topics: turley, msnbc, brian, russia, mr. turley, ms. o'brien, china, washington, trump, unmute, fbi,...
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

High School Advanced Placement - U.S. History Exam : CSPAN3 : May 5, 2021 4:58am-6:02am EDT

May 5, 2021 05/21



Jason Stacy and Matthew Ellington, co-authors of "Fabric of a Nation: A Brief History with Skills and Sources, for the AP U.S. History Course," hosted a live study session for the Advanced Placement U.S. History Exam. They reviewed different eras of American history, provided strategies for the free response answers, and demonstrated how to analyze historical documents. They also took questions from high school students. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: jason, matt, matthew, dunmore, jason stacy, ronald reagan, c-span wj, wilson, washington, europe
Source: Comcast Cable


5 5.0

Heather Mac Donald, When Race Trumps Merit : CSPAN3 : August 14, 2023 5:11pm-6:12pm EDT

Aug 14, 2023 08/23



Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald argues that the pursuit of racial equity by progressives is leading to mediocrity in American businesses and institutions.
Topics: new york, chicago, brown, heather, manhattan, george floyd, new yorker, new york city, boston,...
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

How Important Was Gettysburg? : CSPAN3 : February 22, 2022 4:42pm-5:42pm EST

Feb 22, 2022 02/22



Civil War scholar Gary Gallagher answered the question, "How Important Was Gettysburg?" He examined whether the 1863 Pennsylvania Civil War battle was a turning point in the war and how it is commemorated today. This program was part of the Lincoln Forum's annual meeting in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Sponsor: Lincoln Forum (Abraham Lincoln Studies Group)
Topics: gettysburg, pennsylvania, virginia, mcclellan, meade, north carolina, abraham lincoln, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


82 82

House Oversight Committee Examines Iran Nuclear Deal Messaging : CSPAN3 : May 17, 2016 10:00am-1:01pm EDT

May 17, 2016 05/16



Witnesses testify at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on White House messaging on the Iran nuclear agreement to win public support for the deal. National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes is not among the witnesses
Topics: iran, iran, mr. rhodes, ben rhodes, iraq, mr. hannah, obama, united nations, obama administration,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

History Bookshelf Robert Merry, "President McKinley" : CSPAN3 : October 8, 2020 12:50pm-1:59pm EDT

Oct 8, 2020 10/20



Robert Merry, former CEO of Congressional Quarterly, recalled the presidency of William McKinley. Sponsor: Kansas City (MO) Public Library
Topics: spain, cuba, ohio, canton, mckinley, hannah, hawaii, caribbean, william mckinley, cleveland,...
Source: Comcast Cable


104 104

May 4, 2018 05/18



Author H.W. Brands discussed 19th century political figures Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster. He explained why the three statesmen were critical to American politics between the War of 1812 and the Compromise of 1850. Mr. Brands is a history professor at the University of Texas at Austin. The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum, the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation and the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies at Grand Valley State University co-hosted this...
Topics: john calhoun, henry clay, jackson, daniel webster, the union, kentucky, south carolina, john...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Hearing on Biosecurity Preparedness : CSPAN3 : March 4, 2022 1:56pm-3:27pm EST

Mar 4, 2022 03/22



Health care and national security experts testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on U.S. biosecurity preparedness. While discussing the federal government's readiness and ability to assess threats, witnesses said that the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that U.S. biodefense's are too fragmented and lack coordination. Sponsor: Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Topics: george, parker, portman, dhs, mr. curry, mr. currie, academia, michigan, peters, china, russia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

Hearing on the Legacy of Drone Strikes : CSPAN3 : February 28, 2022 11:49pm-2:01am EST

Mar 1, 2022 03/22



The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the legal impact, financial cost and human toll of U.S. drone strikes conducted over the past two decades. Topics included the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) following the September 11 terrorist attacks, Congressional oversight of the drone program during four presidential administrations and compensation for survivors and families of civilians killed in drone strikes. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: afghanistan, isis, durbin, yemen, graham, grassley, biden, ms. shamsi, al qaeda, mr. durbin,...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

Hearing on Automated Vehicles : CSPAN3 : March 11, 2022 7:01pm-8:02pm EST

Mar 12, 2022 03/22



State officials, union representatives and safety advocates testified on automated vehicles. The House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit held the hearing. Sponsor: House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways & Transit
Topics: california, houston, mr. bloch, texas, evs, washington, molly, norton, mr. wolf, lamalfa, etc.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


49 49

May 14, 2020 05/20



[LIVE] The House Rules Committee meets to consider a $3 trillion coronavirus response bill as well as a resolution authorizing remote voting by proxy as well as remote committee proceedings. Sponsor: House Rules Committee
Topics: washington, hoyer, d.c., mr. davis, house, mr. hoyer, mr. pence, mr. cole, mccarthy, mcgovern, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

History of the Black Hills : CSPAN3 : March 13, 2021 11:44pm-12:01am EST

Mar 14, 2021 03/21



Considered sacred by many Native Americans, South Dakota's Black Hills have long been the source of contention over land claims between tribes and the U.S. government, as well as the controversial issue of carving into the mountains at Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. We traveled there to hear about the history of and the current situation in the Black Hills with Native Americans, historians, and representatives at both Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial . Sponsor: C-SPAN |...
Topics: black hills, south dakota, cheyenne, laramie, montana, washington, jefferson
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Testifies on the President's 2022 Budget Request : CSPAN3 : May 14, 2021 3:22pm-7:04pm EDT

May 14, 2021 05/21



Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health on the President's 2022 Budget Request. He answered a range of questions on the department's COVID-19 response, vaccine equity, climate change, abortion law and border security issues. Sponsor: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy
Topics: biden, becerra, texas, california, cdc, fda, nih, hhs, texas, florida, d.c., india, china, weaver,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Holly Mayer, Congress's Own : CSPAN3 : March 13, 2023 6:21pm-7:22pm EDT

Mar 13, 2023 03/23



Authorized in 1776 by the Continental Congress, the 2nd Canadian Regiment was the first national unit in the American Army; Author Holly Mayer describes the role of Congress's Own in the American Revolution.
Topics: hazen, canada, continental, washington, hawkins, pennsylvania, philadelphia, albany, connecticut,...
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

Nov 3, 2017 11/17



Public and private sector officials testified at a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing on infrastructure response and recovery efforts in the wake of a series of deadly hurricanes in Texas, Florida, and the Caribbean. In this portion, a panel of private sector officials, a former member of the Puerto Rican senate, and a medical aid organization representative spoke about their companies' and groups' contributions to and observations of the ongoing recovery efforts. Members focused on...
Topics: fema, harvey, prepa, houston, florida, georgia, maria, katrina, mr. nieves, virginia, irma, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


89 89

Holocaust Survivor Emanuel Mandel : CSPAN3 : December 18, 2017 10:51pm-11:35pm EST

Dec 19, 2017 12/17



Holocaust survivor Emanuel "Manny" Mandel recalled his experiences as a young boy after the Nazi's occupied his hometown of Budapest, Hungary in March of 1944. Mr. Mandel and his family were eventually transported to Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp in northern Germany, the same camp where diarist Anne Frank died. After six months in the Nazi camp, Manny Mandel was taken to Switzerland, spent four years in Palestine, then moved to the United States in 1949. Sponsor: American Veterans...
Topics: hungary, budapest, europe, manny, poland, nazis, washington, germany, argentina, mr. mandel, manny...
Source: Comcast Cable


70 70

Hearing on the Impact of Wildfires : CSPAN3 : January 28, 2020 10:02am-1:58pm EST

Jan 28, 2020 01/20



[LIVE] House Energy and Commerce subcommittees hold a hearing on the impact of wildfires on the environment and energy infrastructure. Sponsor: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power,House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change
Topics: california, oregon, collins, davis, mr. johnson, australia, washington, pg&e, burns, johnson,...
Source: Comcast Cable


31 31

Hearing on Global Climate Change : CSPAN3 : December 10, 2021 11:55am-1:29pm EST

Dec 10, 2021 12/21



The House Select Climate Crisis Committee held a hearing on international climate challenges and opportunities ahead of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Scotland. Sponsor: House Select Climate Crisis Committee
Topics: china, paris, glasgow, biden, ms. fransen, ms. mckenna, europe, scotland, california, mr. meyer,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Jan 26, 2022 01/22



A Senate subcommittee held a hearing examining competition and privacy in the tech industry. Witnesses testified about the growing market concentration of companies like Amazon and the negative effects their size have on consumers. The committee also heard from data experts about the collection and sale of personal information and the need for congress to pass data privacy legislation. Sponsor: Senate Finance Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth
Topics: amazon, cassidy, brown, china, warren, google, biden, mr. sherman, intel, mr. lynn, amazon, racine,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Jul 29, 2023 07/23



The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law convened a hearing to examine the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) technology on things such as privacy and public safety. One of the witnesses who testified was a mother who fell victim to an AI phone call claiming her daughter was kidnapped and will be harmed if she didn't pay the ransom. Topics discussed included AI technology bias and what role Congress should play in regulating AI. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary...
Topics: china, ccp, microsoft, blackburn, durbin, ms. gibbons, beijing, ms. distefano, ms. givens, madry,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

Heather Mac Donald, When Race Trumps Merit : CSPAN3 : August 14, 2023 11:17pm-12:18am EDT

Aug 15, 2023 08/23



Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald argues that the pursuit of racial equity by progressives is leading to mediocrity in American businesses and institutions.
Topics: new york, chicago, brown, heather, manhattan, george floyd, new yorker, new york city, boston,...
Source: Comcast Cable


62 62

Oct 4, 2019 10/19



The House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy held a hearing on the relationship between e-cigarettes and an outbreak in lung disease. The committee heard testimony from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Principal Deputy Director Dr. Anne Schuchat about the health effects of e-cigarette use and what officials knew about a string of lung illnesses resulting from e-cigarettes and vaping. A second panel included testimony from additional medical professionals...
Topics: fda, cdc, illinois, wisconsin, schuchat, juul, rizzo, johnson, california, kentucky, jordan, l.a.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


34 34

Hearing Examines National Security Space Assets : CSPAN3 : May 26, 2017 6:44pm-8:01pm EDT

May 26, 2017 05/17



The House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces held a hearing on U.S. military space assets and potential national security threats. General John Raymond, commander of Air Force Space Command, was among those testifying. Sponsor: House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
Topics: raymond, delta, spock, faa, air, cooper, steve, betty sapp, russia, goldstein, colorado, china,...
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

Hearing on the Cyber Threats and the Colonial Pipeline Attack : CSPAN3 : October 2, 2021 12:25am-2:24am EDT

Oct 2, 2021 10/21



The House Homeland Security Subcommittees on Transportation and Maritime Security and on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation held a joint hearing on cyber threats and the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack. Several topics were discussed during the hearing including the U.S. response to the Colonial Pipeline attack, the importance of not paying ransoms related to cyber-attacks, detecting cyber vulnerabilities, and improving cybersecurity and readiness of critical infrastructure,...
Topics: tsa, fbi, mr. goldstein, cisa, ms. proctor, white house, new york, clark, goldstein, proctor, ppd,...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

House Hearing on Internet Safety : CSPAN3 : January 10, 2022 8:18pm-11:40pm EST

Jan 11, 2022 01/22



Experts testified about internet safety and protecting user privacy before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection. Witnesses talked about the dangers social media platforms pose to children and big tech's unwillingness to fix the problem. They also discussed several pieces of legislation aimed at protecting user data and cracking down on platforms marketing to children. Sponsor: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce
Topics: china, ftc, mr. greenblatt, frances haugen, mr. ahmed, ccp, adl, mr. lane, mark zuckerberg, icann,...
Source: Comcast Cable


51 51

House Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing on Supreme Court Budget : CSPAN3 : March 7, 2019 1:29pm-2:55pm EST

Mar 7, 2019 03/19



[LIVE] Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Elena Kagan testify before a House Appropriations subcommittee regarding the court's budget. Sponsor: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government
Topics: alito, kagan, roberts, brown, kennedy, venezuela, harvard, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

History of the Democratic Party : CSPAN3 : March 20, 2022 12:00pm-1:01pm EDT

Mar 20, 2022 03/22



Martin DiCaro, host of the "History As It Happens" podcast, talked to Georgetown University professor Michael Kazin about the history of the Democratic Party. Mr. Kazin described how the Democratic Party's politics, ideas, and coalitions mirrored larger themes in American history. This program was part of the Washington Times taping of their history podcast. Sponsor: [Washington Times]
Topics: jackson, jefferson, washington, johnson, vietnam, virginia, europe, new york city, donald trump,...
Source: Comcast Cable


11 11

History Bookshelf Jonathan Horn, "Washington's End" : CSPAN3 : February 13, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

Feb 13, 2021 02/21



Former George W. Bush White House presidential speechwriter Jonathan Horn provided a history of George Washington's final years. Sponsor: Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens
Topics: washington, john adams, martha, philadelphia, france, vernon, thomas jefferson, alexander hamilton,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

Hearing on Underage Vaping Legislation : CSPAN3 : July 29, 2021 2:48pm-4:43pm EDT

Jul 29, 2021 07/21



Acting FDA Administrator Janet Woodco*ck testified before a House Oversight & Reform subcommittee on the department's review into the impact of vaping. Administrator Woodco*ck responded to questions about underage usage of e-cigarettes and flavored versions of the product, the dangers of vaping compared to cigarette and marijuana usage, and adult useage of vaping to quit smoking. The FDA has set a September 9, 2020 deadline to complete its review of vaping products. Senator Dick Durbin...
Topics: fda, juul, woodco*ck, durbin, krishnamoorthi, illinois, cdc, clyde, bush, uk, janet woodco*ck, dick...
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

History Bookshelf Robert Merry, "President McKinley" : CSPAN3 : October 8, 2020 5:33pm-6:42pm EDT

Oct 8, 2020 10/20



Robert Merry, former CEO of Congressional Quarterly, recalled the presidency of William McKinley. Sponsor: Kansas City (MO) Public Library
Topics: mckinley, spain, cuba, ohio, canton, mckinley, pennsylvania, germany, william mckinley, hawaii,...
Source: Comcast Cable


42 42

HHS Secretary Confirmation Hearing : CSPAN3 : December 1, 2017 8:00pm-11:03pm EST

Dec 2, 2017 12/17



The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee held a hearing on President Trump's nomination of Alex Azar, the former Eli Lilly and Co. CEO, to be the new Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary. The hearing focused on Mr. Azar's experience not only in the private sector at Eli Lilly, a large pharmaceutical research and manufacturing company, and within the George W. Bush administration, in which he was general counsel for the Health and Human Services Department. Democrats were...
Topics: murray, hhs, fda, lilly, mr. azar, trump, alaska, azar, alexander, washington, eli lilly, baldwin,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

Hearing on Supply Chain Resiliency : CSPAN3 : July 27, 2021 5:13am-7:16am EDT

Jul 27, 2021 07/21



The Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing to examine supply chain resiliency. Industry and supply chain experts testified on supply chain security, the strength of the manufacturing base, private and public partnerships, and competition with China. Sponsor: Senate Commerce, Science,and Transportation Committee
Topics: china, taylor, ibm, usica, taiwan, miller, mississippi, lewis, gil, fisher, aboulafia, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

May 20, 2021 05/21



Samuel Wells talked about the Korean War's impact on U.S. and Soviet Union defense policies. Mr. Wells is a Cold War Fellow at The Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., which hosted this event. He's also the author of "Fearing the Worst: How Korea Transformed the Cold War." Sponsor: Wilson (Woodrow) International Center for Scholars
Topics: stalin, korea, wilson, north korea, truman, europe, un, russia, macarthur, cia, washington, moscow,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.