Program: Economics, B.S. - Georgia State University (2025)

Aug 05, 2024
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

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Course Descriptions


2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

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Return to:2110 Department of Economics

Complete descriptions of requirements for the Core IMPACTS of the Undergraduate Curriculum can be found in the “1400 University Degree Requirements and Graduation” chapter of this catalog. The number of semester hours credit required for each section is shown in parentheses. The number of semester credit hours required for each section is shown in parenthesis. Students may not receive both a B.A. and a B.S. degree from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies with a major in econoimcs.

Degree Requirements

For degree credit, a minimum grade of C must be attained in ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102. Georgia State University undergraduate students must achieve an overall institutional grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0 and a major GPA of 2.0 to receive a bachelor’s degree from the university. Grades of C- can be used to satisfy graduation requirements in Major and Elective requirements sections. However, some courses have prerequisites thatrequire a grade of C or higher (see1460 GPA Requirementfor additional information).

Core IMPACTS (42 Credit Hours)

See 1410 Core Curriculum Requirementsin the Undergraduate Catalog.

  • Institutional Priority (4 Credit Hours)
  • Mathematics & Quantitative Skills (3-4 Hours)
  • Political Sciences and U.S. History (6 Credit Hours)
  • Arts, Humanities & Ethics (6 Credit Hours)
  • Communicating in Writing (6 Credit Hours)
  • Technology, Mathematics, & Sciences (11 Credit Hours)
  • Social Sciences (6 Credit Hours)

Field of Study - BS Economics (18 Credit Hours)

  • ECON 2105 - Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Credit Hours
  • ECON 2106 - Principles of Microeconomics 3 Credit Hours
  • MATH 1401 - Elementary Statistics 3 Credit Hours (If taken in the Technology, Mathematics, & Sciences section of the Core IMPACTS, a 1000/2000 level elective may be substituted.)
  • MATH 1220 - Survey of Calculus 3 Credit Hours

Electives (6 Credit Hours)

  • Two 1000/2000 level courses. 6 Credit Hours

Major Requirements (24 Credit Hours)

Georgia State University undergraduate students must achieve an overall institutional grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0 and a Major GPA of 2.0 to receive a bachelor’s degree from the University. Grades of C- can be used to satisfy graduation requirements in the Major Requirements sections. However, some courses have prerequisites thatrequire a grade of C or higher (see1460 GPA Requirementfor additional information).

Required Courses (15 Credit Hours)

  • ECON 3900 - Macroeconomics-CTW 3 Credit Hours
  • ECON 3910 - Microeconomics 3 Credit Hours
  • ECON 4930 - Mathematical Economics 3 Credit Hours
  • ECON 4950 - Econometrics and Applications 3 Credit Hours
  • ECON 4999 - Senior Capstone in Economics 3 Credit Hours
  • (The prerequisites for Econ 4999 are ECON 3900, ECON 3910, and two 4000-level economics courses with a grade of C or better. Students are to plan accordingly with regard to the course prerequisites and graduation).

Choose one of the following (3 Credit Hours)

  • ECON 4970 - Introduction to Data Science for Economics 3 Credit Hours
  • ECON 4980 - Undergraduate Research in Economics 3 Credit Hours
  • (The prerequisites for ECON 4980includeECON 4950with a C or better, or permission from instructor. Students must submit an online application before registration so mentors and students can be matched. Recommended GPA Requirements: 3.0 for undergraduate students, 3.5 for MA students.)

Choose two 4000-level ECON courses (6 Credit Hours)

  • Choose two 4000-level ECON courses. 6 Credit Hours

Dual Degree Note:

**Students accepted into the dual program B.A. Economics and M.A.T. Social Studies Education are eligible to complete the 7000-level versions of the economics undergraduate classes and have them count toward both the B.A. and M.A.T. degrees. Students in this program should take twelve semester hours (12) of 7000-level economics courses to count in place of some of the fifteen semester hours (15) of 4000-level economics courses required in the program’s Major Requirements. It is recommended that students include ECON 7100 Economics for Teachers in their 7000-level economics courses.

***Students accepted into the dual program B.A. Economics and M.A. Economics are eligible to complete graduate-level versions of the economics undergraduate classes and have them count toward both the B.A. and M.A. degrees. Students in this program should take twelve semester hours(12) of graduate-level economics courses to count in place of some of the fifteen semester hours (15) of 4000-level economics courses required in the program’s Major Requirements.

Minor and Electives (36 Credit Hours)

Students must complete 36 credit hours of 1000-4000 level electives. Students majoring in economics are not required to take a minor, although they may choose to do so. If a student pursues a minor, the required elective hours will be reduced by the number of credit hours of the selected minor. Students will complete any remaining elective hours in addition to the minor to satisfy the overall 36 credit hour program Minor and Elective requirement.

Dual Degree Note

** Students accepted into the dual program B.S. Economics and M.A.T Social Studies Education should enroll in EXC 4020 Characteristics and Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities (3) and six hours of graduate-level courses in the College of Education and Human Development. These courses from the College of Education and Human Development can count in Elective requirement section of the B.S. Economics degree program.

***Students accepted into the dual program B.S. Economics and M.A. Economics should enroll in nine hours of graduate level economics courses. The additional nine hours of graduate level economics courses should be selected in consultation with the Department of Economics M.A. program director and can count in the Major or Elective requirement section of the B.S. Economics Degree program. Elective courses to complement the major are selected in consultation with the faculty mentor or undergraduate advisor in the University Advisement Center or Office of Academic Assistance.

Concentration in Social Studies Education

Concentration in Social Studies Education

Total Semester Hours for Degree: 120 Credit Hours

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Program: Economics, B.S. - Georgia State University (2025)
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