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2A S Dewey Said Window Peeper
Yule Decoration Neutral in Stabs Official
Winners Named GOP Race
Accused Murderer
Rescues Neighbor
From Burning Home
Oenr Nomon in Heard County in rested Durroush on a tip from an
undisclosed source.
Ous The investigators said that since
posted fleeing the Heard County murder
Peled charge Durrough had raised a fam. *
become financially gecure and
an argument over a pistol
I He was taken to the Heard Coun
ty seat, Franklin, where he
bond for trial next March
Chief Sheriff s investigator John y.reputation.
Gibson and two other officers ar establishedAe-=
LAREDO (AP)—A youth lurk "Come out here where I can MACON, Ga. (AP)—A carpenter
ing outside his home stabbed see you.” Leyendecker ordered, awaiting trial for a shotgun slay.
County Treasurer Edward Leven- Instead the youth jumped out ing 27 years ago proved himself
WASHINGTON AP - An unan- decker the andomer Enday and stabbed the officeholder. a hero Saturday by saving his
nounced visit with Vice President niahtmb ke went out Chief of Detectives G. G. Galan neighbor s wife from her burning
_Richard M. Nixon appeared Satur Levendeckera power in the said several youths were ques-home
Winners of the annual Christ- their part in helping light the city day to have left Thomas E Dewey Independent Club which is the tioned but no one, was held He Police reported that James Dur-
lighting contest, sponsored by for Christmas by Mrs Moore and maintaining a neutral position to € m rant political faction in Webb said the assailant was believed to rough. 57, alias J. L. Daniel,
Mrs J Stanley Hale president of ward the 1960 GOP presidential County was in fair condition Sat-be about 18 and dressed in a braved blistering flames to bring
nomination urday The knife penetrated his khaki cowboy jacket-------Lois Pullins, 26, from the frame
The former New York governor liver. Leyendecker is part-owner of home ----
The family was watching tele- the City Lumber Co of Laredo. Her husband, Lymon, 30, had in-
..... It was the second mysterious jured his right leg and arms in
saw someone peep- act of violence in Laredo during jumping from a window. He
._____... a window Leyendeck. the night Sylvia Perez, 14 was awakened Durrough and asked
u the Cabinet and the White er, about 50, went outside to in- shot in the left cheek and left him to save his wife.
House staff The two men con- vestigate, saw a youth hiding in thumb as she combed her hair in morning hr. destroy.
■ — k red I X - RXXXT DIE M "48-
“I’m hiding,” the youth said revolver at close range Miss Durroush, who had adopted the
of 326 Briarwood placed Dewey, who played a major Leyendecker asked whom he was Perez was believed not seriously name Daniel, was arrested on a
the Abilene Garden Club, were
announced Saturday by Mrs the Abilene Garden Club
Lamar H Moore Jr. contest Clara Ted Kennedy of 1202 Al- and his wife were quests when the
chairmanbary placed first in window dis-Nixons entertamed ta pre-ch- d 37 0 AS NR
Letters were mailed Saturday plays with a picture window frame martion - thir home vision about io pm when Mrs
to the winners These letters may having colored lights and frosted any nian for abour 50 members
be presented at the West Texas cedar A picture of Santa Claus d - - - ■ -■ eroEn
Utilities Co to receive prizes was painted on the window. House start two men
0 € 1 through third - . House salt ire two men con- vestigate, .— _ —-------------
awarded I th w a Marcus L Burrough 121 Geor- ferred during the evening. Dewey the bushes and asked him what her bedroom Police said the bul-
place in each of, the four cate gia Rd., Dyess ^ was second is reported to have told Nixon he he was doing
gories —: , and Sgt. and Mrs. Benjamin P is remaining neutral at this time
Displays were judged in these Padletta.__2___ _ _ _ ..... ______
four ealesories best lighted win-third. Honorable mention went torrole in getting President Eisen- hiding from and the youth replied hurt Police questioned a number murder charge July 16 exactly 2
dow best decorated yard, Des: Corine Warren 311 E.76 7th St. hower into the race for the 1952 that he didn’t know, of young men 4 years after the shotgun slaying of
lighted doorway and best nemled and Mrs Harry Albaugh, 1732 nomination against the late Sen-
outside tree . Belmont Judges in this category Robert A. Taft of Ohio, was the
Contestants were thanked for were Mrs. Ralph D Miller, 1826 only outside political figure in-
---“ X 11th St.: Mrs H A. Girdner, cluded among the guests. 1
175 Counties Form 1001 Jefferson and Mrs c F Me- Subsequently the Deweys dined
. 2 CounmesReynolds 4025 Waldemar at a Washington hotel with the -
Johnson Clubs In-yard decorations Capt Jack Nixons and the vice president’s
. VP s wo k Gould of 316 Louisiana Rd., closest associate. Atty. Gen. wil-
AUSTIN AP - Lyndon John- Tiers AFB placed first His dis. liam P. Rogers, and his wife I
son-for-president clubs have been e Phurch "Scene with Dewey retains a strong voice in
organized in 175 Texas counties. Play AC sh New York Republican affairs. His
Larry Blackmon, state executive iehts shining through siatained visit stirred speculation that he is
director of the organization, said "indonid ,r. for % the interested in showing he retains
Saturday angels suspended in trom % close ties with Nixon despite theT
Blackmon predicted clubs would house. .
be set up in the rest of Texas Second place wem 10 Maj
254 counties early in 1960
Blackmon said out of state clubs
already are organized in Kansas
and Oklahoma He said inquiries
about possible organizations have
been received from Alabama. Cal-
ifornia, Colorado, Florida, Idaho.
Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts
New York, Washington and Wis-
a probability that New York Gov
N P-T , nine Nelson A Rockefeller will battle
Nanser Lodge Hignway *0. ana The vice president for the nominal
third went to Mr and Mrs. Wil- „ GLsue _ .
If Rockefeller gets into the race
officially, he is almost certain to
the 96-vote New York dele-
liam T. Morris, Rt. 5. Box to omer
Wallace B. Langston, 1280 Beech- have
wood. . received honorable men- gation solidly behind him. Dewey
tion Judges were Mrs Clifford a two time presidential nominee
Kyker. 2542 S 10th Mrs. Holland wants to be a member of the dele
Holt 1502 Victoria and Mrs WAs 40.0 4 mnemeer or me oe*e-
J N Green, 1M2 Beechwood. 8 __________________________
Wayne Ford of 1450 Briarwood
won first place in the best lighted According to Gilbert Youth Re-
of Man 48 doorway category. His display de- search, newsaper ads generate
Body or 79: picted Santa Claus riding in a more belief among teenagers than
round in Hotel Model-T Ford, wishing overyone do magazine ads for broadcast
a merry Christmas commercials. They say newspaper
WICHITA FALLS AP) - The Mrs R W Mac Duff. 112 Maine ads are more factual and give
body a a 48-year-old man, dead Rd.. Dyess AFB placed second them guidance in making buying
for several days, was found Sat- and Maj. and Mrs. George G. decisions,
urday in the small downtown Guyon. 139 Nebraska, Dyess AFB.
Gladstone Hotel finished third Honorable mention
Officers said a hunting license went to B F Womack. 2201 Jean-
‘ Ested the name of C. A with and ette Judges were Mrs K H
an address of South Park, Long Fleming 2718 Palm St.: Mrs H
Beach N. C. The Postal Guide E Strickland, 3585 Hunters Glen,
lists no such place. Officers said and Mrs Jack Nixon Jr.. 2200
the man was 5 feet four inches Hollis = ” -
tall,weighed 114 pounds, had in outside tree- decorations Mr
brown hair and blue eyes and Mrs Richard Bloomer of 634
---------------------------- Hawthorne took first prize with
VAR-U.S. Pact _ a display of balloons and illusions
of balloons formed by lighting
CAIRO AP — The United Arab effects
Republic signed an agreement Mrs. Harry Albaugh of 1734 Bel-
with the United States Saturday mont placed second and Larry-
far a 12-million-dollar loan to-build Frazier of 1638 Cedarcrest placed
the country’s first television sta- third Receiving honorable men-
time. The money will come from tion were Lt Col Alvin W Seibt
me sale of U.S surplus agricul- of 749 Elmwood Dr
tural products to the V.A R and Judges in this category were
will be repaid over a period of 30 Mrs A G Fraaer 1925 Cedar-
years a 4 per cent interest. The crest Dr Mrs Charles R. Fry 658
station-in Cairo is expected to be £N 21st St and Mrs W 0 Nor-
eccnpleted next July. man 501 E.N 16th St.
Corn-Fattened Bob White
• 6 for 7.50
• 12 for 14.40
• 24 for 28.00
• 50 for 50.00
• 100 for 90.00
,, 4.0 Mail Us Your
Check or Money Order and
We'll De the Besfl
2904 Stanley WA 3-8122
PE 7-4383 NIGHTS
Fort Wash, Texas
acruat set
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By E
Touhy’s bit
Years.” res
gun slaying
release on.
__The Chica
wrote the
with the 1
era gang lo
And an ex
victed with
naping for
years or m
secret Of T
found betwe
the volume
bizarre kill
that brought
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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.
The Abilene Reporter-News (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 79, No. 187, Ed. 1 Sunday, December 20, 1959,newspaper, December 20, 1959; Abilene, Texas. ( August 5, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Abilene Public Library.
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