2. Embrace the Darkness - Anna’s Archive (2024)

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2. Embrace the Darkness - Anna’s Archive (1)

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inglese [en], .mobi, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 0.5MB, 📕 Libri (narrativa), lgli/Alexandra Ivy - Embrace the Darkness (2007, Zebra Books).mobi

2. Embrace the Darkness 🔍

Zebra Books, 2007

Дебора Рэли, Ivy, Alexandra 🔍


EDITORIAL REVIEW: **Is He Her Mortal Enemy-** Lady Shay is the last of her kind. Half human, half Shalott, her blood is a precious aphrodisiac to vampires, who consider it more precious than gold. Though Shalotts are renowned assassins, a curse held over Shay lands her on the slave auction block, where her fate is uncertain- **Or The Man Who Will Risk All-** Viper, the beguiling chief of a deadly vampire clan, can't explain his longing to possess the beautiful Shalott who once saved his life, but now he is free to do anything he wants with her. Strangely, while he desires both Shay-s blood and body, he wants her to surrender willingly. **To Save Her Life? ** A hidden evil has been stalking Shay since she left the slave market with Viper. It is an evil that endangers the very existence of Viper's kind, and there's no reason he should court such danger just to protect a Shalott. But the love he feels for Shay is enough to make him willing to go to hell and back if it means spending an eternity with her in his arms.-

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Alternative title

Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity, Book 2)

Alternative title

Guardians of eternity : Embrace the darkness

Alternative author

Alexandra Ivy

Alternative publisher

Kensington Publishing Corp

Alternative publisher

Kensington Pub. Corp

Alternative publisher


Alternative edition

Guardians of Eternity (2), November 1, 2007

Alternative edition

Guardians of eternity, New York, ©2007

Alternative edition

Zebra Books, New York, 2007

Alternative edition

1st Printing, 2007

Alternative edition


Alternative description

<p><p><b>is He Her Mortal Enemy&#151;</b><p>lady Shay Is The Last Of Her Kind. Half Human, Half Shalott, Her Blood Is A Precious Aphrodisiac To Vampires, Who Consider It More Precious Than Gold. Though Shalotts Are Renowned Assassins, A Curse Held Over Shay Lands Her On The Slave Auction Block, Where Her Fate Is Uncertain...<p><b>or The Man Who Will Risk All...</b><p>viper, The Beguiling Chief Of A Deadly Vampire Clan, Can't Explain His Longing To Possess The Beautiful Shalott Who Once Saved His Life, But Now He Is Free To Do Anything He Wants With Her. Strangely, While He Desires Both Shay's Blood And Body, He Wants Her To Surrender Willingly.<p><b>to Save Her Life? </b><p>a Hidden Evil Has Been Stalking Shay Since She Left The Slave Market With Viper. It Is An Evil That Endangers The Very Existence Of Viper's Kind, And There's No Reason He Should Court Such Danger Just To Protect A Shalott. But The Love He Feels For Shay Is Enough To Make Him Willing To Go To Hell And Back If It Means Spending An Eternity With Her In His Arms....<p><b>praise For Alexandra Ivy And When Darkness Comes...</b><p> Not To Be Missed...ivy Is Definitely An Author With Huge Potential In The Paranormal Genre.&#151;<i>romantic Times</i> (top Pick!)<p>alexandra Ivy Is Already In A League Of Her Own.&#151;lynn Viehl, Author Of <i>night Lost</i></p><h3>publishers Weekly</h3><p><p>part Human, Part Shalott Demon-the Feared Assassins Of The Demon Race-bronze-skinned, Golden-eyed Beauty Lady Shay Has Blood That's A Potent Mix Of Vampire Aphrodisiac And Cure-all. Bound By A Curse To The Guardianship Of A Greedy Troll, Shay Soon Finds Herself Being Sold To A Stunning, Silver-haired Vampire Whose Life She Saved Only Weeks Earlier. Named Viper, The Vampire Is Determined To Win Her For His Own-without The Aid Of Enchantment-but Shay Finds It Hard To Believe That Viper Wants Anything But To Drain Her Dry. Fueling Shay's Mistrust Is The Memory Of Her Father, Lost To A Vampire Clan When Shay Was Just A Child. As It Turns Out, That Same Clan Is Now In Pursuit Of Shay, Planning To Use Her Blood To Cure Their Leader's Mysterious Illness. Viper And Shay Spend Most Of The Book Outrunning The Clan's Dark Forces-all Manner Of Monsters And Hellhounds-occasionally Losing Themselves In Their Spiraling Emotions. Though Black Satin Sheets, Gothic Candelabra And The Demonic Beasts Feel Stock, The Second Book In Ivy's Guardians Of Eternity Trilogy Delivers Plenty Of Atmosphere And Hot-blooded Seduction. <i>(nov.)</i></p>copyright 2007 Reed Business Information</p>

Alternative description

Lady Shay is the last of her kind. Half human, half Shalott, her blood is a precious aphrodisiac to vampires, who consider it more precious than gold. Though Shalotts are renowned assassins, a curse held over Shay lands her on the slave auction block, where her fate is uncertain-
Viper, the beguiling chief of a deadly vampire clan, can't explain his longing to possess the beautiful Shalott who once saved his life, but now he is free to do anything he wants with her. Strangely, while he desires both Shay-s blood and body, he wants her to surrender willingly.
A hidden evil has been stalking Shay since she left the slave market with Viper. It is an evil that endangers the very existence of Viper's kind, and there's no reason he should court such danger just to protect a Shalott. But the love he feels for Shay is enough to make him willing to go to hell and back if it means spending an eternity with her in his arms.

Alternative description

When a curse lands Lady Shay, a half human, half Shalott whose blood is a powerful aphrodisiac to vampires, on the slave auction block, her new master, the chief of a deadly vampire clan, will stop at nothing to make her surrender her body and soul to him for all eternity

Data "open sourced"

2020-11-14 — oclc_scrape: 2023-10-01, ol_source: 2008-04-30, isbndb_scrape: 2022-09-01, lgli_source: 2023-02-05, zlib_source: 2020-11-14

Maggiori informazioni…

ISBN-13978-0-8217-7937-8 ISBN-13978-1-4201-2481-1 ISBN-101-4201-2481-1 ISBN-100-8217-7937-0 OCLC/WorldCat937978146 OCLC/WorldCat175313760 OCLC/WorldCat694566671 OCLC/WorldCat750382825 OCLC/WorldCat907438109 Open LibraryOL9629436W Open LibraryOL11419432M IAembracedarknessg00alex Collectionopenlib Collectionlibgen_li Collectionzlib Collectionisbndb Collectionworldcat Z-Library6161113 MD57e34393b557e3f3d2ca983893abf9da6 Libgen.li File98631866 Libgen.li fiction_id3788579 Filepathlgli/Alexandra Ivy - Embrace the Darkness (2007, Zebra Books).mobi LCCN2010668643 Library Thing3368927 Goodreads1599297 Torrentmanaged_by_aa/zlib/pilimi-zlib-6160000-7229999.torrent Server Pathe/lglific/3788000/7e34393b557e3f3d2ca983893abf9da6.mobi Server Pathe/zlib1/pilimi-zlib-6160000-7229999/6161113 LCCCPB Box no. 3113 vol. 8 LCCPS

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2. Embrace the Darkness - Anna’s Archive (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.