11 Ways to Get Rid of Athlete's Foot, According to Experts (2025)

11 Ways to Get Rid of Athlete's Foot, According to Experts (1)

If you've ever had athlete's foot, you know just how irritating the itchy, burning, and peeling sensation of this pesky fungal infection can be. You don't have to be a workout maven to contract athlete's foot; 20 to 25 percent of the world's population has experienced it at some point.

"It often starts between the toes, an area fungus loves to grow because of its dark, and moist environment," says dermatologist Dr. Rachel Nazarian of the highly contagious infection, which, if left untreated, can cause nasty cracking on the skin of your feet that can spread all the way up the heel.

There's actually more than one type of athlete's foot, according to Correa. "A clear way to tell if it's moccasin-type infection is if the fungus covers the bottom of your foot," she says. "Your toenails may also get thick and crumbly and, in severe cases, may even fall off." The rash can spread to heels and up the side of your foot in this variety as well. You can also experience interdigital athlete's foot, which is when there's peeling and cracking skin between your toes.

But not to worry: you can get rid of athlete's foot with the right over-the-counter products, as well as a few lifestyle modifications. While Nazarian says "that there is not enough evidence to fully support homemade remedies as a monotherapy for athlete's foot," there are plenty of other options available. We asked Nazarian, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Marisa Garshick, and celebrity medical pedicurist Marcela Correa, to offer tips on how to treat athlete's foot at home.

Meet the Experts

What is Athlete's Foot?

Athlete's foot refers to a condition known as tinea pedis, a superficial fungal infection which can cause scaling, flaking, and plaques on the soles, according to Garshick. It is caused by a type of fungus known as a dermatophyte.

Keep reading to learn more about how to prevent and treat athlete's foot and when it's time to see a doctor.

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Keep Your Feet Dry

The first line of defense in treating both types is to keep feet dry. Correa notes: "This fungus thrives off of warm and damp environments making it multiply and spread quickly."

Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly after a shower or bath, including the area in between your toes. "I always recommend using breathable socks, or those that wick away sweat to prevent having too much moisture on your skin," says Nazarian.

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Use a Shoe Sterilizer

Wearing fresh socks daily, as well as keeping your shoes clean, is vital to preventing and treating athlete's foot. "Most people don't realize bacteria buildup happens inside the shoes," says Correa. "Our feet sweat just like our bodies, and dark, damp shoes are perfect to house the fungus-causing bacteria." Garshick adds that occlusive shoes provide damp conditions that allow dermatophyte fungus to thrive.

One solution might be to use an ultraviolet light shoe sterilizer to clear shoes of bacteria. Garshick suggests alternating shoes, which can help allow them to air dry between use.

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Treat With an Antifungal Cream

One solution to relieve the symptoms of athlete's foot is a medicated cream. "In general, antifungal creams are often best to treat the fungus as they are likely to penetrate the best," says Garshick. She recommends one with clotrimazole, an antifungal. "It helps to relieve the itching, burning, cracking, and scaling that can occur with athlete's foot," she says. She also likes it because it spreads easily, and can be applied twice daily.

Nazarian adds that if topical creams don't work, "oral antifungal medication may also be appropriate in some scenarios."

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Try a Medicated Foot Spray for Relief

Garshick is a fan of Arm & Hammer Invisible Spray Foot Powder to treat athlete's foot in between the toes and on the feet. "It uses tolnaftate to help prevent and provide relief for symptoms that may be associated with athlete's foot such as itching and burning," she says. "It also contains shea butter to soothe the dry, cracked skin."Use twice daily. Spray is favored for its ease of application.

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Use a Powder to Absorb Excess Moisture

A medicated powder is a great treatment for athlete's foot because, as Garshick advises, it can absorb excess moisture, while also treating the fungus with miconazole. Apply to the affected area twice daily. "Powders and sprays can also be helpful for shoes, which can be a source of reinfection," she says.

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Soften Scaling With a Repair Cream

If the skin is hyperkeratotic, which according to Garshick means it's thick and scaly, "it can be helpful to use something to soften the scaling." She recommends using a keratolytic with salicylic acid or urea, such as Kerasal or Eucerin Roughness Repair. She also adds that when treating fungus, it is important to "apply not only to the affected areas but also to a rim of normal skin." Continue treatment for one to two weeks after you've seen improved results to try to prevent it from reoccurring.

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Avoid Sharing Towels

Direct contact with skin isn't the only way athlete's foot is spread. Garshick notes that the fungus can exist on towels, so it's best not to share towels and to wash them after every use. And be mindful when handling towels, as "some people can experience two foot-one-hand syndrome, where it can spread to involve one hand after only involving the feet," says Garshick.

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Don't Share Shoes

Because it can be transferred from one person to another, Nazarian recommends that people never share shoes with each other, or walk barefoot in public places. "People who sweat a lot are more prone to getting athlete's foot, and using topical medication that can keep skin dry, or powder to absorb sweat, can be quite useful in those situations," she adds.

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Take Caution When Getting a Pedicure

Garshick notes that fungus can live on metal and for this reason, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends disinfecting nail tools between every use."With pedicures in general, it is best to go to a place that uses equipment that has been cleaned or to bring your own tools," she says. If doing an at-home pedi, be sure to practice good hygiene with your tools.

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Avoid Pumice Stones

Correa says pumice stones are a breeding ground for bacteria and should be avoided. "The tiny holes and crevices in pumice stones and stone files provide a damp, dark, and wet environment that help the bacteria multiply," she says. "Avoid using pumice stones or pedicure files that are 'cleaned' by a simple rinse."

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Consult a Dermatologist

Although many other conditions can present with similar symptoms as athlete's foot, your board-certified dermatologist or even your podiatrist should be able to diagnose it accurately. "Cultures for fungus testing may be done, but most professionals can diagnose it based on clinical appearance and symptoms," says Nazarian.

"If you are experiencing symptoms or what you have tried over-the-counter isn't effective, it is best to see a board-certified dermatologist," says Garshick. While often topical treatments are enough, occasionally oral medications may be needed. Additionally, she says a doctor is needed to confirm the diagnosis of athlete's foot with a skin scraping. "There are other skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis which can also occur on the feet and may be confused for athlete's foot initially."

Finally, she adds that if there is "nail involvement, it is also best to see a dermatologist to help guide the treatment for the nail fungus as well as the foot fungus."

How to DIY a Pedicure at Home In 14 Simple Steps

Article Sources

Byrdie takes every opportunity to use high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial guidelines to learn more about how we keep our content accurate, reliable and trustworthy.

  1. Gupta AK, Daigle D, Paquet M, et al. Topical Treatments for Athlete's Foot.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;2018(1):CD010863. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010863.pub2

  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nail Hygiene. Updated July 26, 2016.

11 Ways to Get Rid of Athlete's Foot, According to Experts (2025)
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